Centre for Global Studies – Open University (Lisbon – Portugal)
Susana Mourato Alves-Jesus has a PhD in History, specialization of Contemporary History, from the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Lisbon (FCT scholarship holder), with a thesis concerning “Human Rights in Portugal: Representations and Dissensions Between History and Utopia (1755-1867)”, which resulted in a book (Direitos Humanos em Portugal: História e Utopia [Human Rights in Portugal: History and Utopia], ed. 2023). She has also a degree in Classical Languages and Literatures from the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Lisbon, and a Master’s degree in Classical Studies, specializing in Comparative Literature, by the same School, with a thesis about the apocryphal text of the Old Testament “Joseph and Aseneth”, which resulted in a book (ed. 2014). Vice president of the board of the European Institute of Cultural Sciences Padre Manuel Antunes (IECCPMA) and Editorial Coordinator of Theya Publishers/IECCPMA. Currently, she is a post-doctoral researcher of the Centre for Global Studies – Universidade Aberta (CEG-UAb) and Université de Paris II-Panthéon-Assas. She is also teacher (together with Rui Maia Rego) on the course “Human Rights: Ethics, Citizenship and Globalization” (Postgraduate in Global Studies), and tutor at Open University (Portugal). She participates in several ongoing projects (namely, co-PI of “Mnemonic Reality” project – Volkswagen Stiftung Germany). At CEG-UAb, she coordinates, together with João Relvão Caetano, the research group “Politics, Human Rights, and Globalization”. In this field, she has presented several communications in national and international scientific meetings, and has contributed with original research for several publications (namely papers and book chapters), as well as participated in dissemination and capacitation sessions on Human Rights. She has actively participated also in various research projects, resulting in reference works in their respective fields. She has a broad experience in the organization of scientific events, and has participated in more than thirty international conferences, as a member of executive and organizing committees, as well as their executive secretariats. Currently she is also project manager (on a voluntary basis) of the “Dignipédia Global project: To Systematize, Deepen and Defend Human Rights in Globalization Context” (EEA Grants – Active Citizens Fund | Programa Cidadãos Ativ@s – Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation/Bissaya Barreto Foundation).