Academy of European Human Rights Protection – University of Cologne (Germany)
Paula Rhein-Fischer is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Academy for European Human Rights Protection of University of Cologne (Germany). She holds both German state exams in law as well as a Maîtrise en Droit from Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. She completed her PhD at the Institute for International Peace and Security Law at the University of Cologne with a dissertation on the prohibition to use force and factual mistakes (Nomos 2020). Paula started working on memory laws as part of the Danish, Dutch, German and Polish research consortium ‘The Challenges of Populist Memory Politics and Militant Memory Laws (MEMOCRACY)’, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation (2022-2024). In the ‘Mnemonic Reality’ project, she leads the German team. Apart from memory laws, her research interests centre around law and time, constitutional law, public international law and human rights. Paula is a member of the Young College of the North-Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Science and the Arts.